Some Obituaries for my Weaver Family. My grandmother's seven sisters, Edna, Dot, Nell, Mary, Ercell, unknown, Ruby and Ruth Daily Sentinel Tribune 9-30-1925 OLIVER WEAVER, TAKEN BY DEATH OLIVER WEAVER A LONG-TIME RESIDENT OF LIBERTY TOWNSHIP DIED TUESDAY AT ROBINSON, ILL., FROM HEART FAILURE. HE HAD BEEN TROUBLED WITH HEART DISEASE FOR A FEW YEARS BUT THE ATTACK WHICH TOOK HIS LIFE DEVELOPED ONLY THE DAY BEFORE HIS DEATH. THE TIME OF THE FUNERAL SERVICES ARE UNCERTAIN. WORD HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY RELATIVES THAT THE BODY WILL PROBABLY ARRIVE IN WOOD COUNTY SOMETIME TODAY, PROBABLY AT CUSTAR. ARRANGEMENTS WILL BE MADE LATER. MR. WEAVER WAS A NATIVE OF FAIRFIELD COUNTY, OHIO, BEING BORN THERE SEPTEMBER 10, 1850, AND BEING 75 YEARS OLD AT THE TIME OF HIS DEATH. HE HAD SPENT THE GREATER PART OF HIS LIFE IN LIBERTY TOWNSHIP AND HIS HOME WAS AT WINGSTON. HE HAD BEEN SPENDING THE SUMMER WITH HIS CHILDREN AT ROBINSON, WHILE MRS. WEAVER HAD BEEN HERE. HE WAS A GOOD NEIGHBOR AND WAS HIGHLY ESTEEMED BY ALL WHO KNEW HIM FOR HIS FRIENDLY WAYS. HIS MARRIAGE TO MISS PHOEBE SNYDER OF HENRY COUNTY, WAS SOLEMNIZED IN 1879. SHE, WITH ELEVEN CHILDREN AND TWENTY-TWO GRANDCHILDREN SURVIVE TO MOURN HIS DEATH. THE CHILDREN ARE: MRS. OLIVE (JOHN) KEVER, WARREN AND CLYDE WEAVER, OF ROBINSON, ILL.; MRS. EDNA (IRVIN) WALTERS OF BRADNER; MRS. DOT (EDGAR) MAURER, OF LEHMANN AVENUE, BOWLING GREEN; HARRY OF GRAHAM, OKLA; MRS. MARY (LESTER) DILL, CUSTAR; MRS. NELL (ALVA) SMITH, MRS. ERCELL (EVERETT) WHITACRE, MRS. RUTH (FRED) BURKHART, MRS. RUBY (CLARENCE) SNYDER OF TOLEDO. (another instance of "obititis": the other son in Robinson, should read Floyd not Clyde) ROBINSON DAILY NEWS-ROBINSON,ILLINOIS WEEK OF AUGUST 7, 1968 OBITUARY Olive May Kever, eldest daughter of Oliver and Phoebe Weaver, born aug. 1, 1880, in Henry County, Ohio, and departed this life, Aug. 7, 1968, at the age of 88 years and six days. She joined the Methodist Church at an early age and attended faithfully as long as her health permitted. In 1907, she was united in marriage to, John B. Kever, and as a young couple, moved to Crawford County where they lived the rest of their lives. To this union was born one daughter, Lois Willmetta. "Aunt Ollie" as she was known by her family and friends, was preceded in death by her mother and father, three brothers, Floyd in 1946, Harry in 1955, Warren ain 1967, and her husband John Kever in 1959. Surviving are her daughter, Lois Anderson, one granddaughter Linda L. Knapp, one great grandson Randy Allen Knapp, and seven sisters, Mary Dill of Port Angeles, Wash.; Edna Walters, Dot Maurer, Nell Smith, Erecill Whitacre, and twin sisters Ruth Moorhead, and Ruby Barnes, all of Ohio, and numerous nieces and nephews. "In my house are many Mansions" The Blessed Master said, And to prepare this blessed place, He travelled on ahead. Our loved one, too, has journeyed on, And now is resting there, Within God's many mansions, Where there is no pain or care. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the nurses at the Crawford Mrmorial Hospital for their kindness to my mother, Mrs. Olive Kever, who was a patient in the hospital for almost three months, and to the following people, who helped with food and flowers, Mattie Kirk, Women of the Moose, War Dads and Auxiliary, Carpenter Steel Company, E. H. Price and family, Don Redmon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Max C. Inboden, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Sechrest, Mr. and Mrs. Charles White, Mr. and Mrs. Don Sechrest, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Butcher, Hazel Van Winkle, Kirk Chapel and neighbors and to the Rev. Carl Hall for his words of comfort. The family of Olive Kever, who passed away August 7th. Lois Anderson Linda Knapp and family. (this obit of my grandmother points out that you need several other things for the true story. My grandmother was born in Wood County, Ohio (birth certificate) She and grand-dad were married in 1908 (marriage certificate).) Daily Sentinel Tribune, Wed., April 4, 1973 Mrs. Irvin Walters RISINGSUN- Mrs. Irvin Walters (Edna Weaver); 90, died this morning in Wood County Hospital. Mrs. Walters was born Jan. 14, 1883 in Henry County to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Weaver (Phoebe Snyder). She was married Sept. 24, 1907 and Mr. Walters died in 1950. She attended St. Paul's United Brethren Church, Risingsun. Surviving are six daughters, Mrs. Datus (Hazel) Hengsteler, Tolleson, Ariz.; Mrs. Fred (Doris) Adkins, Bradner; Mrs. Dell (Eunice) Phillips, Cygnet; Mrs. William (Maxine) Young, Toledo; Mrs. Marshall (Lenore) Roberts, Phoenix, Ariz., and Mrs. Robert (Donna) Stump, Risingsun; two sons, Norman, Orlando, Fla., and Milo, Risingsun; six sisters, Mrs. E. A. Maurer, Bowling Green; Mrs. Nellie Smith, Hammansburg; Mrs. Mary Dill, Port Angeles, Wash.; Mrs. Ercell Whitacre, Toledo, and Mrs. Ruby Barnes, and Mrs. Ruth Moorhead, both of Liberty Center; 18 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren. The funeral will be Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Maurer Funeral Home, Bloomdale, with Rev. Herbert Landus officiating, Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, North Baltimore. Friends may call Friday afternoon and evening. ROBINSON DAILY NEWS-ROBINSON, ILLINOIS WEEK OF JANUARY 7, 1967 WARREN WEAVER FUNERAL RITES Funeral services for Warren Weaver, 81, Star Route, were held at 10:30 a.m. today at the Buchanan Funeral Home with Rev. Carl Hall officiating. Burial was in Kirk Cemetery. Mr. Weaver, a retired oil pumper, died at noon Saturday at his residence. Surviving are his wife, Margaret; three daughters, Mrs. Beulah Kirk, Robinson, and Mrs. Grace McConnel and Mrs. Lela Miller, both of O'Fallon; eight sisters, Mrs. Ollie Kever, Robinson; Mrs. May Dill, Port Angeles, Wash., and Mrs. Edna Walters, Mrs. Eurcell Whitacre, Mrs. Dorothy Maurer, Mrs. Nellie Smith, Mrs. Ruby Barnes and Mrs. Ruth Morehead, all of Ohio. ROBINSON DAILY NEWS-ROBINSON, ILLINOIS WEEK OF OCTOBER 28, 1946 FLOYD WEAVER DIES AFTER LONG ILLNESS Floyd Weaver, 59, died early this morning after a lingering illness. He had been a pumper for the Ohio Oil Company for 40 yhears. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Florence Whitmer of McLeansboro, Ill., and Betty at home, his mother, Mrs. Phoebe Weaver of Toledo, O., eight sisters, Mrs. John Kever of Robinson and the other seven of Ohio, two brothers, Warren of Robinson, the other from Alma, Okla. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock at the Buchanan Funeral Home with Rev. Frank Treadway of Oblong, officiating. Interment will be in the new cemetery. THE DAILY SENTINEL-TRIBUNE-BOWLING GREEN, OHIO MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1978 MRS. E. A. MAURER Mrs. E.A. Maurer (Dot Weaver) 89, Community Nursing Home, died Sunday in the nursing home. She was a member of First Christian Church, King' Daughters and American Legion Auxilliary. Mrs. Maurer was born Nov. 13, 1889 in Henry County to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Weaver (Phoebe Snyder). Her husband died in 1953. Surviving are one son, James, Madison, Tenn; one daughter, Mrs. H. L. Hughes, Indianapolis; five sisters, Mrs. Nellis Smith, Bowling Green; Mrs Ersella Whitacre, Toledo; Mrs. Mary Dill, Port Angeles, Wash; and Mrs. Ruby Barnes and Mrs. Ruth Morehead, both of Liberty Center; four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. The funeral will be Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. in the Dunn Funeral Home with the Rev. Luther Redmon officiating. Burial will be in Oak Grove Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. DAILY SENTINEL-TRIBUNE BOWLING GREEN, OHIO WEDNESDAYH EVENING, JULY 8, 1953 HARRY WEAVER DIES IN DAVIS, OKLA. Word has been received of the death of Harry Weaver, 61 in Davis, Okla. Monday following a year's illness. Mr. Weaver was born in Henry County, but came to Wood County as a baby. He was born July 18, 1892. He attended the old McGill School and was a World War I veteran attached to the 17th Field Artillery, Battery 2. He took part in three of the great battles of that war, St. Mihiel, Mont Blanc, and the Battle of the Meuse. Surviving are his wife, three sons and four daughters; a brother, Warren, Robinson, Ill., and these sisters; Mrs. Olline Kever, Robinson, Ill,; Mrs. Edna Walters, Risingsun; Mrs. Ruth Morehead, Port Clinton; Mrs. Ruby Barnes, Liberty Center; Mrs. Ercell Whitacre, Maumee; Mrs. Nellie Smith, Hammansburg; Mrs. Mary Dill, Port Angeles, Wash. and Mrs. F.A. Maurer. OBITUARY SENT BY WOOD COUNTY LIBRARY, PAPER UNKNOWN DATED 1984. NELLIE SMITH HAMMANSBURG- Mrs. Nellie Smith 89, formerly of Hammansburg, died Wednesday evening in the Wood County Nursing Home. She was employed for several years as a housekeeper at the Wood County Hospital. Mrs. Smith was a member of St. James United Methodist Church, North Baltimore. She was born Sept. 29, 1895 in Wood County to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Weaver (Phoebe Snyder). She married Alva Smith who died in 1957. Surviving are a son, Victor, Fostoria; three sisters, Mrs. Ruth Morehead, Bowling Green; Mrs. Ruby Barnes, Liberty Center; and Mrs. Mary Dill, Port Angelos, Wash.; and four grandchildren. The funeral will be Saturday at 11 a.m. in the Smith-Hare Funeral Home, North Batlimore, with burial in Wingston Cemetery. Visitation will be Friday after 4:30 p.m. Memorials may be made to the church. SENTINEL TRIBUNE TUESDAY AUGUST 6, 1991 MARY DILL Mary dill, 93, Port Angeles, Wash., formerly of Milton Center, died July, 16. She was born in Liberty Township May 14, 1898 to Oliver and Phoebe Weaver. In 1917, she married Lester Dill. He preceded her in death. Surviving are a son, Joe, Juneau, Ala; a sister, Ruby Barnes, Bowling Green; five grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. A memorial service will be held Sunday at 3:30 p.m. in Wingston Cemetery. DAILY SENTINEL-TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY APRIL 16, 1980 MRS. ERCELL WHITACRE Mrs. Ercell R. Whitacre, 79, Toledo, a Wood County native, died Tuesday in St. Luke's Hospital, Maumee. She was a member of Kern-Milner American Legion Post 93 Auxilliary and the Maumee United Methodist Church. She was born Sept. 27, 1900 in Liberty Township to Mr and Mrs. Oliver Weaver (Phoebe Snyder). She married Everett Whitacre in 1917. Surviving are her husband; one son, Thomas, Toledo; one daughter, Mrs. Hilda Coburn, Maumee; seven grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; and four sisters, Mrs. Nell Smith, Bowling Green; Mrs. Ruby Barnes and Mrs. Ruth Moorehead, both of Liberty Center; and Mrs. Mary Dill, Port Angeles, Wash. The funeral will be at 10 a.m. Thursday in the Maison-Dardenne Funeral Home, Maumee. Burial will be in Pleasant View-Wingston Cemetery, Rudolph. Visitation will be after 2 p.m. today. A legion auxilliary service will be held at 7:30 tonight. Memorial constributions may be made to the church or to the legion scholarship fund. SENTINEL - TRIBUNE FRIDAY, MAY 18, 2000 RUBY BARNES Ruby Jeannette Barnes, 96 of Bowling Green and formerly of Liberty Center, died Thursday (May 18, 2000) at Wood County Nursing Home. She had worked at the lunch counter at Tiedtkes in Toledo in the early 1920's. She then worked at Wauiseon Manufacturing for five years, and then at Saylor Products, Grand Rapids, for 15 years. Mrs. Barnes was a member of Bethany Baptist Church, Grand Rapids, and its True Blue Class. Born Nov. 21, 1903, in Rudolph, to Oliver and Phoebe (Snyder) Weaver, she married Charles M. Barnes on Feb 29, 1936. He died in February 1960. She also was preceded in death by a daughter, Ethel Klein, seven sisters and three brothers. Surviving are a son, Ralph Snyder, New Boston, Ill; four grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren. The funeral will be held, Monday at 11 a.m. at the church. Burial will be in Wingston Cemetery, Rudolph. Pastor Timothy Coley will officiate. Visitation will be held Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at Wright Funeral Home, Grand Rapids. Memorials may be made to Bethany Baptist Church. SENTINEL-TRIBUNE MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1987 RUTH MOORHEAD Ruth Burkhart Moorhead, 83, of West Gypsy Lane Road, Bowling Green, died Sunday in Wood County Hospital. She was a member of Bethany Baptist Church, Grand Rapids. Mrs. Moorhead was born Nov. 21, 1903, in Rudolph to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Weaver (Phoebe Snyder). She married Clarence Moorhead in 1948, in Van Buren. Surviving are one son, Donald Burkhart, Bowling Green; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Dill, Port Angeles, Wash.; and twin sister, Mrs. Ruby Barnes, Bowling Green; two grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. The funeral will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday in Deck-Hanneman Funeral Home, Bowling Green. Burial will be in Wingston Cemetery. Rev. John Grindell will officiate. Visitation will be Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Memorials may be made to the church.